#17 - Light and Shadow

I’ve been diving into more and more self-help and spirituality books these days, in search of myself.

My views on God, life, and other things have changed so drastically over the past 5-6 years, that I can no longer relate to most people around me. I don’t regret the shift in consciousness or anything, it just feels lonesome at times. Moreover, regardless of the knowledge I’ve gained so far, I still can’t seem to reconcile my positive and negative traits. It’s like I’m constantly in the middle of this internal struggle.

I know I can be kind - but then I forget in the heat of an argument and raise my voice. I know I can connect with other people - but my words, behaviors and actions can come across so awkwardly in public, that I end up further alienating myself from others.

I wish I could find my center and just… stay there. Between light and shadow, there must be some balance. Yin and yang don’t have to go to war.


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