
Showing posts from October, 2020

#8 - Contemplation

It’s a quiet Friday full of rain. The sky is blanketed with silver clouds, soggy gold and rose-tinted leaves are scattered all across the ground, and there’s a slight chill in the air. But it’s more of a “peaceful” silence than a gloomy one, so I don’t mind. I can hear the bubbling noises of the fish aquarium’s filtration system to my left, far off in the corner next to the front door. Our fluffy Pomeranian is fast sleep, snuggled up in one of her favorite spots near the fireplace. Everyone else is either resting or working. It’s a very relaxing day. ... And I’ve had a lot to think about over these past few months or so. I’m very content with the job I have now, it’s challenging but satisfying at the same time. I’m done pursuing any romantic relationship for now, since I’ve gained enough wisdom for better or worse. I enjoy music as much as ever, and have lately tried getting out of my comfort zone to listen to songs from other genres - it’s been lovely so far. I still miss both of my g

#7 - Timeout

I think we all need a timeout. These past months, we’ve seen chaos unfold: from the coronavirus outbreak and alarming death toll, to protests all over the country over basic human rights (seriously, it’s the 21st century!), to the police brutality and the wildfires and the upcoming election and the white supremacism and the conspiracy theories and the political frenzy— Stop. Take a deep breath. In, and out... in, and out... in, and out... ... ...... ......... ............ ............... You still with me? Good. Let’s talk for a moment. I know these are crazy times. I know it feels like a lot to handle. And I know how it feels to lose someone dear... we lost our grandfather to a stroke back in May, and I still can’t believe he’s gone. It’s hard to think about. It’s hard. But I also understand that every storm has an end. This might be one of the biggest storms we’ve ever seen together this year, complete with terrifying thunder and bright flashes of lightning... but I know we’re strong