#10 - Goodbye, Hello!

It’s now 2021, and I already feel relieved.

Not that anything in particular has changed - after all, we’ve still got the devastating pandemic situation and the presidency transition drama, among other matters. But just for today, it felt good to say goodbye to a horrible year.

For my part, I have no resolutions this time. I’ve simply been thankful to be alive and well, along with my family. I’ve been counting my blessings a lot these days, in fact. Even regarding the things I hope for - as my sister jokingly said, “Lose the weight and find a mate!” - I’m not too concerned. First off, I’ve made a great deal of progress so far on my weight loss routine, and I know it’s one I’ll stick to even after I reach my target weight. Second, I don’t really feel the need anymore to find someone just to fill a void in my life... like, sure it would be nice and all, but it won’t give me the happiness I’m currently searching for, which I know can only be found within. Thus, I’m more interested in reconnecting with myself and planning out my dreams for the future.


I may not have defined any clear resolutions, but I do have some decluttering for this year (and not just in my messy room!). I may have said goodbye to 2020, yet I still have some mental and emotional baggage to let go of as well. Hopefully I can get through this within the next 1-2 months, so that I can give a proper hello to 2021.

Affirmation for the new year: I am strong, I am happy, and I am worthy.


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