#4 - A Conversation with Death (aka Monologue)

Happy New Year everyone! 😄

Sorry if the post title scared you, by the way. 😅 I was just outside earlier walking my dog, and usually during such walks I would start thinking about random stuff. Today - because of how gentle the winter weather outside felt - I had a poetic short story in my head about an old woman talking to Death as if It were an old friend, while It just keeps looking at her in silence. This is pretty much how the story goes:

One fine spring day, an old woman is lying alone in bed. She knows she’s about to die, so she waits calmly. Soon, Death arrives, knocking at her window. She sits up and opens the latch between the old window panes, letting the breeze open them. But the figure remains floating outside, without a word. So, the old woman shrugs and starts talking.

“My, you’re a strange one! You knock yet refuse to enter, I wonder why. Is it not my time yet?”

Death remains silent, not speaking a word, but appears to look curiously at the woman.

“Well then. I guess I’ll just keep talking then until I bore you, and perhaps you’ll carry me on then... but now I wonder, just what are you? Are you a ghost? A grim reaper? Perhaps you’re a bridge between two islands, or the silence between heartbeats. Certainly you can’t be the final destination for this weary traveler, are you? I know that death is not the end, after all, but merely the space between this life and the next. I suppose you must be pretty lonely though, seeing the dead pass you by as they move from one form of life to another... though I’m sure there are a few here and there who keep you company in their own limbo, right?

“Oh dear, do I see a tear streaming down from your eyeless eyes? Have the endless ages made you soft, you poor old thing? Looks like you are lonely, then...come, cheer up now. I’ll go with you and give you as much company as I can before moving on.”

Soon afterwards, she breathes her last with a smile on her face.

I guess this might’ve been a bit too morbid for the start of a new year, huh... but it was just something I was thinking about. The story did make me feel a bit sad, but at the same time it gave me some sort of peace as well. Perhaps it’s just my way of trying to come to terms with certain uncertainties (including death, of course) that scare me. Like resigning from a job I could no longer stay in. Which is exactly what I did.

Hopefully the year is brighter from now on, at least. It’s been a rough time up until now, I’ll admit...


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