#3 - Monday Shuffle

Ahh, so sleepy. 😴

It's late in the morning, and I'm still trying to wake myself up. It's a weird sensation, feeling my mind drifting along like a feather while my body is anchored to the chair like a boulder. I wonder if next year will see anything bright and new for a change. I certainly need to shed these pounds...

Music class yesterday was more fun than I had expected, my student was beat-boxing while singing his favorite songs. So that was cool. 😄 Then since his whole family was at home with mine and everyone had free time, we all spent the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon together. My siblings and I ended up watching old re-runs of Spongebob Squarepants with my student and his brother, while all our parents were chatting together in the kitchen/dining area. After lunch, we all talked more about music and enjoyed a long karaoke session of old Hindi songs. I loved the coziness of it all and didn't want that feeling to end.

But today, I'm back here. Alone in my office space. With nothing - nothing but the noisy air in the pipes above my head and the click-clack of the laptop keys - to break the silence. 😓

If I don't find another client project before the end of this month, I'll quit this job and look elsewhere. The perpetual isolation is just too much.


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